Post by getmepower on Nov 29, 2005 19:11:28 GMT
Yes. Who the flan cares if it looks like a vibrator as long as the games are good. Hahahahaha! Man, that's perverted. It's not always about the games, Iguana, it's about the system itself. There are game systems that have potentials, either it's good or bad depending on the person's learning curve. Otherwise the Revolution might have to fail as well, but that's just me. Just don't worry about the games, worry that is well-built. Now who the "flan" cares? You and the other gamers in their rooms spending too much playing Unreal Tournament online. ~Nismo
Post by getmepower on Nov 29, 2005 22:48:33 GMT
I never even like Unreal Tournament either. It's for nerds who keep buying video games and waste all their money just for playing it instead of being active.
I rather burn games than buying them, so I started doing it. As for now, I will not discuss more about burning games.
Post by DR. INTOXICÅTION on Nov 30, 2005 0:01:06 GMT
Post by SAVE_US.WBTC on Nov 30, 2005 6:52:25 GMT
One area I do have to give Nintendo props is with wrestling games. The last few titles on PS2 and XBOX were majorly disappointing. Here Comes The Pain was good, but Smackdown vs. Raw was a letdown, mainly because half the roster was missing, and Wrestlemania 21 just sucked the meat missile. The Day of Reckoning games for Gamecube were the best out there for the longest time.
Post by numbuheightbitstar on Nov 30, 2005 12:51:18 GMT
I never even like Unreal Tournament either. It's for nerds who keep buying video games and waste all their money just for playing it instead of being active. I rather burn games than buying them, so I started doing it. As for now, I will not discuss more about burning games. ~Nismo .... Okay, wait. It's wrong to buy games, but it's perfectly okay to make illegal copies, just so you won't be spending money? I'm somewhere in between finding that position outright hilarious, or deeply offensive.
Post by getmepower on Nov 30, 2005 17:00:28 GMT
My cousin tried Day of Reckoning and he didn't like it very much. I agree that Smackdown vs. Raw missed some of the rosters like Owen Hart and Sting for the legends. Maybe Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 will have that.
Uhh, okay? No. I spend money on video games once for awhile, but I don't do it too much.
Post by SAVE_US.WBTC on Nov 30, 2005 20:28:24 GMT
How about the fact that it didn't even have La Resistance, despite the fact that they were about the only real tag team WWE had at the time?
The new SvR does look good, though. They got in pretty much everyone. Obviously, they won't have the guys who just debuted mere months ago like Lashley and Kennedy, but as a tradeoff, we do get guys who are no longer around, like Christian and Eddie Guerrero (R.I.P.). Graphics look really good, story mode looks interesting, and CAW won't disappoint.
Post by arsenault on Dec 7, 2005 17:01:09 GMT
Im into first and third person shooter games. I cant wait to get Perfect Dark Zero and Call of Duty 2. I ordered a $900 360 (yes i am crazy) but it comes with 6 games and all the premium stuff. But you know what is retarded? You will be able to hook up your psp to your 360. They are 2 different companies.
Post by arsenault on Dec 10, 2005 21:29:26 GMT
Nintendo will return but once halo 3 comes out its all over for all the other game consoles.
Post by numbah2 on Dec 11, 2005 2:04:39 GMT
Nintendo will return but once halo 3 comes out its all over for all the other game consoles. And I don't care. The Xbox 360 is the exact same thing as the regular Xbox.
Post by SAVE_US.WBTC on Dec 11, 2005 2:19:39 GMT
Iguana, I mostly agree about your Nintendo history, but a few things:
The SNES was still the most popular at this time, but it wasn't an absolute monopoly. The Sega Genesis was practically neck and neck with it, and most people who owned one didn't regret getting it instead of the SNES. At this point, Sega was light years ahead of Nintendo in certain genres, particularly sports and fighting games.
The N64 is, IMO, where Nintendo first started going south. A "slight lack of games" is an understatement. The 64 was hyped for years, kept getting pushed back, and when it was released, only a handful of games were made for it. They tried to push a bunch of lackluster titles to make up for that. Granted, some were very good. The N64 has to this date the best version of Mario Kart, Goldeneye, and several extensive wrestling games. But everything else was a hit or miss prospect, whereas its previous consoles seemed to put so much more into each individual title.
Post by arsenault on Dec 11, 2005 4:34:35 GMT
Nintendo will return but once halo 3 comes out its all over for all the other game consoles. And I don't care. The Xbox 360 is the exact same thing as the regular Xbox. No it is not. There are too many things different and way better about the 360 than the regular xbox that I dont feel like explaining it all to you. This is the first website i looked for telling how different it is from the original. xbox.about.com/od/xbox2/
Post by numbuheightbitstar on Dec 11, 2005 17:06:08 GMT
Also I'm sorry for not mentioning the ol' Genesis, it was a great console which also suffered from a severe lack of games. The Sega Genesis had a TON of great games. The real problem with that console is (not was, IS) that when looking in used game shops, the Genesis aisles are always stuffed full of Sports games. about Nintendo consoles getting lower and lower sales, let's take a look at the past consoles shall we? NES: First GOOD gaming console, didn't have any competition. F****** huge sales. The Sega Master System, Atari 7800, Commodore 64, not to mention the up-and-coming PC market didn't count as "competition"? Most of the reason the NES was successful was because Nintendo used licensing policies to create an illegal monopoly--they told companies that "if you make games for our system, you can't make games for anyone else's." They actually got on to Origin for doing a Sega Master System version of Ultima 4 (for this reason, an Ultima game never appeared on another non-Nintendo system besides the PC). This practice was later ruled illegal in court and Nintendo was forced to drop it. Wrong. It had strong competition from the Sega Genesis and, for awhile, the Sega CD, not to mention the PC-Engine (known in the US as the TurboGrafx). Not to mention that around this time, the PC market had really taken off and other companies were entering the video game market with consoles like the Atari Jaguar, the Philips CD-i, and the Panasonic 3DO, all of which managed to find a niche. Wrong again. Companies don't "buy" game developers. What happens is that developers go to the console maker and say "Hey, we wanna make games for your console." And afterwards, sign a licensing agreement. Developers COULD'VE developed for both the N64 and Playstation, however Nintendo had shot themselves in the foot by sticking to the cartridge format, which was both harder and more expensive to develop for, and companies didn't like that because practically any cartridge game is a huge investment, and if it flops, they're out of a LOT of money (whereas it costs almost nothing to print CDs). There were barely any FPSes on the PSX at all, and most of them weren't all that popular. The PSX sold for two reasons. 1) It had more games, 2) it had FF7, which was a hot-ticket at the time. Ummmm... what? The Gamecube isn't a failure at all. That's why they're still making games for it and why Nintendo is still in business. Ummm, Typo, I assume?
Post by arsenault on Dec 12, 2005 2:40:12 GMT
No it is not. There are too many things different and way better about the 360 than the regular xbox that I dont feel like explaining it all to you. This is the first website i looked for telling how different it is from the original. xbox.about.com/od/xbox2/I don't trust official websites. They're the guys that claimed that the 360 will have the 'best game lineup of all time'. So there's a few random FPSs, a truckload of sports games... and oh, ONE Rare game! I'm sold! : O Also I'm sorry for not mentioning the ol' Genesis, it was a great console which also suffered from a severe lack of games. And about N64, the ammount of good games it had was approximately equal to that of the N64. And N64 had loads of good games, including some REALLY underrated ones, remember Mischief Makers? N64 and PSX were quite equal, sporting two the best games of all time. As for the GC, Ninty tried to appeal to their mature fanbase instead of the perverted young crowd. And now with the Rev they're trying to make up for that. Makes sense to me. And arsenault, would you PLEASE quit whining about Halo 3? Nobody knows its outcome, and even IF it'll be the best FPS of all time and Xbox fans will start other flamewars against Sony and Nintendo fans, it'll ENFORCE THE FACT THAT HALO IS THE ONLY GOOD THING MICROSOFT HAS TO OFFER! Im not whining about halo 3. Im praising it. And it is not the only thing xbox has to offer (even though it will still be the best). There is still games theat are only for xbox that are top sellers but I cant think of one since Im not that interested in them but look at ps2, them and gamecube pretty much have the same games. Its not like ps2 has anything to offer that xbox or gamecube doesnt have. im not comparing xbox to gamecube because i own a gamecube and I think their games are fun but they get boring after a couple of monthes. zBesides its almost completly stoped making its own games.
Post by SAVE_US.WBTC on Dec 12, 2005 3:47:44 GMT
Not exactly a top seller, but Thief: Deadly Shadows is for XBox, but not PS2 or Gamecube (though the PC version is still the best).