Post by numbuh610 on Aug 23, 2003 1:10:01 GMT
I am I have all 5 books and read all them. Also I have the two movies
Post by numbuh18 on Aug 23, 2003 2:30:12 GMT
I LOVE Harry Potter!! I haven't read the 5th book yet....
Post by Stardrifter 8 on Aug 23, 2003 20:00:52 GMT
I've read them all. ^__^
Post by numbuh18 on Aug 25, 2003 23:45:43 GMT
Post by numbuheightbitstar on Sept 16, 2003 19:14:10 GMT
I am I have all 5 books and read all them. Also I have the two movies I loved the first four but lost interest in the time period between books four and five. My sister (who is older than me) has all five of the books though.
Post by baconboy234 on Oct 26, 2004 22:36:55 GMT
i read 1-4 and some of 5
Post by caseyagain on Oct 26, 2004 22:59:03 GMT
I love HP!I have read all the books and seen all the movies.I have a ton of merchindise.
Post by Nella (Numbuh 310) on Oct 26, 2004 23:48:47 GMT
I'm obsessed with Harry Potter! OBSESSED! (scone knows about my obsession, I think) Really...don't get me started on HP. I'll talk your ear off. *coughSiriusxRemuscough*
Post by scone on Oct 26, 2004 23:53:26 GMT
I'm obsessed with Harry Potter! OBSESSED! (scone knows about my obsession, I think) Really...don't get me started on HP. I'll talk your ear off. *coughSiriusxRemuscough* I KNOW!! yay for Marauder's slash!! *fangirls* i luv HP.
Post by Nella (Numbuh 310) on Oct 26, 2004 23:57:00 GMT
yay for Marauder's slash!! *fangirls* Gawd, yay for the Marauder Era. Seriously, the Marauders and the parent generation are soooo much cooler than the Trio. *bricked*
Post by scone on Oct 27, 2004 0:15:43 GMT
yeah, the trio sucks much stuff.
MWPP is the only fic i read, really... harry can stick his lame angsty/fatey/boringness where the sun don't shine!
Post by tofu on Oct 27, 2004 0:28:18 GMT
I have all five books, seen all three movies XD
Post by numbuh541 on Oct 27, 2004 0:45:37 GMT
Gawd, yay for the Marauder Era. Seriously, the Marauders and the parent generation are soooo much cooler than the Trio. *bricked* I agree. 'Specially with all the Voldemort drama and angst going on. I hope the sixth book delves into it even more. *pushes Sirius and Lupin together* Aww. <3 My favorite has, and always will be Snape. *huggles him, smacking James upside the head* And I really like McGonagall. She totally owned when facing down Toady-Umbridge in OotP.
Post by nathalie on Oct 27, 2004 0:48:34 GMT
I used to be the biggest fan until the POA movie came out
Post by darlimondoll on Oct 27, 2004 3:14:29 GMT
Read all the books, saw all the movies. I wouldn't have gotten into it if my mom hadn't forced me to read the Sorcerer's Stone I didn't like the CoS movie though.