Post by delightfulologist1 on Dec 31, 2004 2:46:02 GMT
I saw a TV show about this, so I researched it on the web. Very creepy! The Bible Code is supposedly a code within the bible's writing that shows how the universe works. Philosiphers, such as Alexander the Great, Siami de Cramtet, and Isaac Newton tried to solve the bible code, but failed trying. Then, the code was DISCOVERED!! It records these things, and way to many more: ~Man on the Moon ~9/11 ~The Wright Brother's invention of planes ~The atomic bombing of Japan ~Spaceship Columbia ~The assasination of ~Lincoln ~Kennedy ~The Discovery of Sedna ~The End of the World ~Hurricane Ivan This code is so simple! I thought it would be hard to do! I'll have to post again later, though, to show you guys how. Here's a URL with stuff from the Bible Code: exodus2006.com/3code.htmEDIT: Okay, here's how you do it! First, we'll find ONE PHRASE from the bible to find code words. Here's one I made up: Delightfulologist, 14: 13 This is the manner we do the bible code in, so sit tight, or you'll never know! Then, you find a pattern for a word, like finding to word Isenret. This word's letters are each spaced out three spaces. Next, you make a grid, with isenret at the side or middle, like this: T H I S I S T H E M A N N E R T H A T W E D O I N T H E B I You're supposed to do the whole thing, but I don't want to waste space. Then, you find even more words in there! t H I S i S t H e M a N N E r Once again, supposed to go longer. Anyway, if the words make sense together, you've found a bible code!! Here are some bible code ones: ~"Apollo 13", "Man on the Moon", "One small step for man, one giant step for mankind", "1969" ~"R F Kennedy", "Gunshot", "Ford", others that I forget... ~"Twin", "Towers", "4th floor", "Osama", "Bin Laden", "Planes", "Blood and Mayhem", "9/11", "2003" ~(This one isn't a joke!) "Derek (Last name)", "Will die", "2084"
Post by numbah13 on Jan 2, 2005 22:58:18 GMT
Oooh, that's scary. But very cool. Looks like I can use the bible for something useful, for once. ^_^ How do you read the code? Like after you've put it in a grid and whatnot.
Edit: Hold on, this IS the catholic/christian bible we're talking about right?
Post by delightfulologist1 on Jan 2, 2005 23:11:57 GMT
I forgot to tell you; you HAVE to use the following traits: *OLD TESTAMENT!!! (Don't ask me why) *KING JAMES VERSION!!! Also, I'm terrible at teaching bible code stuff, and can't find any websites about how to. What really spooks me is that according to the Bible Code, the end of the world will be in... *gulp*... 2008... because the phrases found were: "End of Days", "No more", "Catastrophe", "Panic", and the chilling message, "Satan and all of his minions and followers will now be thrown into the lake of ever-burning fire and sulphur forever", and to top it off, "2008/5539"... PS: I suck at making my own bible codes, so I just find some on the internet and look in my own bible to see if it's true.
Post by karrlows134 on Jan 4, 2005 16:49:56 GMT
I saw a TV show about this, so I researched it on the web. Very creepy! The Bible Code is supposedly a code within the bible's writing that shows how the universe works. Philosiphers, such as Alexander the Great, Alexander the great was a philosopher? I thought he was like the king of Asia back in his time. And a great war hero. Also the part about the" Derek will die 2084"is funny and scary at the same time! Hope that did'nt offend you about the funny part.
Post by delightfulologist1 on Jan 5, 2005 22:33:59 GMT
Alexander the great was a leader of ROME (not in Asia), a warfare leader, AND a philosipher. MORE BIBLE CODES!!! Wright brothers:"Planes", "Wright Brothers", "Flying in the air" WWII:"World War II", "Destruction!", "Death", "Germany and France", "America and Japan" Also, just request an event, and I'll show a bible code of it!!!
Post by numbah13 on Jan 5, 2005 22:41:43 GMT
That's freaky about you dying. o_0 Does any of the Bible Codes say anything about a girl called Andrea with a last name that begins with S dying?
I'm so unbeleivably concieted.
Post by delightfulologist1 on Jan 5, 2005 22:44:18 GMT
Well, I email a friend who has a bible code software, and it'll take a while for him to reply. EDIT: The bible has these phrases: "Andrea", "Death", "In 2068". Also, I think that the bible code actually states your death if it comes naturally. That means that I may die early if I were to be murdered, killed in an explosion, or died from a disease. MORE CODES: The tsunamis in Asia: "Tsunamis", "Earthquakes", "Terror", "Flooding waters", "2005"
Post by numbuheightbitstar on Jan 20, 2005 2:37:39 GMT
Wait... if the world is supposed to end in 2008, how can you die in 2084?
Post by pinkdenim on Jan 20, 2005 17:56:05 GMT
Wait... if the world is supposed to end in 2008, how can you die in 2084? Good point...
Post by delightfulologist1 on Jan 21, 2005 0:42:06 GMT
Also, I think that the bible code actually states your death if it comes naturally. That means that I may die early if I were to be murdered, killed in an explosion, or died from a disease. I think this. Also, the bible code makes mistakes, so... yeah. ATTENTION ALL CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS!!! THE BIBLE CODE CLAIMS THAT ONE DAY, CALIFORNIA WILL BE THE FIRST STATE OF THE USA THAT IS DESTROYED!! CHECK THESE OUT!! Mudslide (which has already happened): "Mudslide", "California, USA", "Deaths", "Mud will pour everywhere", "2005" Earthquake: "Destructive", "Killing", "Death everywhere", "Man asked for it! Hear me.", "2006" The Destruction of California: "Destroyed", "Killers are killed", "Blood", "Beautiful world is crushed", "In the End of Days"
Post by forcedtowritethis on Jan 21, 2005 4:27:21 GMT
I think this. Also, the bible code makes mistakes, so... yeah. ATTENTION ALL CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS!!! THE BIBLE CODE CLAIMS THAT ONE DAY, CALIFORNIA WILL BE THE FIRST STATE OF THE USA THAT IS DESTROYED!! CHECK THESE OUT!! Mudslide (which has already happened): "Mudslide", "California, USA", "Deaths", "Mud will pour everywhere", "2005" Earthquake: "Destructive", "Killing", "Death everywhere", "Man asked for it! Hear me.", "2006" The Destruction of California: "Destroyed", "Killers are killed", "Blood", "Beautiful world is crushed", "In the End of Days" Hmm....I smell spam.
Post by delightfulologist1 on Jan 21, 2005 14:24:47 GMT
Post by numbuheightbitstar on Jan 21, 2005 19:56:33 GMT
I've seen all sorts of specials about stuff hidden in the Bible. Besides the Code, I've also heard that there's magic spells hidden in the book.
It's a pretty interesting book, hidden stuff or not. Granted, a lot of parts have me going "Huh?" (There's a part where Moses has to keep satisfying those Isrealites he rescued from Egypt, constantly asking God for favors because they keep whining about food and water... and just out of nowhere they get into a fight with some guy named Amalek) but it's still pretty entertaining.
Post by number823 on Feb 6, 2005 17:20:52 GMT
Wait... if the world is supposed to end in 2008, how can you die in 2084? Well, in the Bible it says that those who served the lord well shall be saved. So, could it be that you will indeed be saved, and then die?
Post by delightfulologist1 on Feb 6, 2005 23:46:21 GMT
I think that part just means that the faithful will go to Heaven instead of Hell.