Post by parron on Aug 15, 2004 23:32:40 GMT
Now we can discuss Valgaav's hotness the characters and stuff without being off topic!
Post by numbuhzero on Aug 15, 2004 23:43:03 GMT
hehe now now, Zels a hottie too. but yeah, i dont really think too many girls would work w/ Valgaav that are in the show (Lina's with Gourry, Amelia's with Zel*no offense*, Martina's with Zangulus, Xelloss is just there for people to see and laugh at *hes soo funny!*, Filia's just there so she can wait for me to destroy her, and thas it) I would say Filia but MAN would I feel sorry for Valgaav! *cannot stand Filia* So, im going to Assume Valgaav's your favorite character, right?
Post by parron on Aug 16, 2004 0:13:19 GMT
^^ I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'm not usually the type to really hate a character, but Filia is up on that list... she's like a whiny Amelia replacement, except convinced that she's right all the time. >.>
My Slayers couples of choice are Lina/Gourry, Martina/Zangalus, and Amelia/Zel. I take no offence whatsoever to people who don't like A/V, if only because I, too, realize it would have to be an AU to work. ^^;;
Valgaav isn't my favorite character, per say, but he's my favorite *pretty* character, i.e: He's one of the few anime characters that I'll get fangirlish over. Like some of the people here and Numbah 4. >.>
As for Xellos... well, he's a Mazoku! They DIE if they feel too many positive emotions! Why don't the fangirls understand this? I hate all Xellos pairings, simply because no matter how he acts he's NOT a nice guy... Well, nice to watch, but... well, he's evil, and won't fall in love, and that's that. ^^
Post by numbuhzero on Aug 16, 2004 0:33:24 GMT
Yeah, i like the same couples pretty much. i also hate all Filia couples and Xelloss couples. Xelloss is just hilarious at times. that's why I like him. I like Zel alot more *_*
Yeah, Zelgadis is my favorite pretty much. I'd go fangirlish over him. He's just cool like that. I personally think he looks cooler when he's a chimera than when hes human. the all human Zel just isnt as cool..or hot...
so who is your favorite if ya dont mind me asking..?
Post by parron on Aug 16, 2004 0:35:50 GMT
Favorite what? Character is probably Deep Sea Dolphin, couple is most likely Amelia/Valgaav, color would be white or light blue, food is either Sandwiches or Baked Potatoes, and drink is Mountain Dew.
^^ Did that help? XD
Post by numbuhzero on Aug 16, 2004 0:44:26 GMT
Favorite what? Character is probably Deep Sea Dolphin, couple is most likely Amelia/Valgaav, color would be white or light blue, food is either Sandwiches or Baked Potatoes, and drink is Mountain Dew. ^^ Did that help? XD yea lol. i meant character..who's Deep Sea Dolphin again?
Post by parron on Aug 16, 2004 2:07:18 GMT
She's one of the five Mazoku lords... although by the end of TRY it's more like the three Mazoku lords. *cough* Dolphin is one of the five evil children of the Lord of Nightmares -- as with Zelas, Dynast, Gaav, and Phibrizzo. She's in charge of the water element, rumoured to be insane, and does not get along well with Zelas. She never actually appeared in the anime, though, which is why you don't remember her. ^^
Hellmaster Phibrizzo -- Lord of the Dead Demon Dragon King Gaav -- Um, Dragons Beastmaster Zelas -- Animals Dynast Grausherra -- Ice/North (I forget the exact spelling) Deep Sea Dolphin -- Water ^^;; I wrote a story about the Mazoku Lords once, so I've had to memorize all the random stuff about them...
Post by numbuhzero on Aug 16, 2004 16:53:22 GMT
okay, no wonder... well thanks for the info bout her. ive heard alot about her but i never knew who she was... and ugh! i really didnt like phibrizzo or gaav that much. i dont know why not but i just didnt like them.
Post by parron on Aug 16, 2004 19:08:37 GMT
I liked Phibby! He's all evil and psycotic and little and cute! ^^;; Gaav, though... ick. I only like him beause he put up a cool fight (so did Phibrizzo, actually), and because of the whole Valgaav thing. Yes, I am obsessed.
>.> I liked Slayers NEXT best of the bunch, actually. It had the best plot, animation, and theme song, plus they didn't ignore Sylphiel (I forget who the name is spelt!!!) and Martina and Lord Zomelgustar were in it. >.> Slayers TRY was pretty bad, I thought. Except for the end credits, and a certain green-haired dragon, I reallly didn't like TRY. As for the original, I don't remember much of it because I haven't seen it in ages... but it was good stuff, from what I can remember.
Post by numbuhzero on Aug 16, 2004 19:46:39 GMT
Yeah, NEXT was definitely the best. I liked everything in NEXT alot. TRY wasnt too good cept for the opening and ending themes and Valgaav. The original was okay. Sylphiel was more annoying in that one than in NEXT though. just my opinion. Sylphiel's not one of my faves but shes cool in certain ways. Same with Martina. She's okay at times but i dont care too much for her.
Post by parron on Aug 16, 2004 20:38:56 GMT
I didn't like TRY's opening theme, but I did like the "Windstorm Remix" of it. I like Syphiel, esp. her Dragon Slave / Flare Carrot, but I'm still a Lina/Gourry fan. She's just a nice, neautral character -- and she knows a lot of white magic, which the team is otherwise lacking.
(What's the deal with that, anyway? Amelia is the Princess of Seirune, yet she knows black magic and hardly any white! That shouldn't be the way it works... >.>)
Post by numbuheightbitstar on Aug 16, 2004 20:41:04 GMT
I liked NEXT the best as well, but because it was a more episodic comedy whereas Slayers and TRY were more storyline-centered. I didn't really much care for when either would suddenly drop the funny and suddenly become uber-serious, which NEXT didn't really do until the tail-end of the series.
And when Lina and Amelia dressed up in those clothes and started singing.... *Falls over laughing*
Post by parron on Aug 16, 2004 20:46:03 GMT
Hm, I dunno -- one of my favorite things ABOUT Slayers is that it's hilariously funny while still managing to have an awesome storyline... and NEXT is the best balance between the two of the three shows: For example, Syphiel's Dragon Slave in the middle of the fight with Phibrizzo and Xellos'... Xellos-ness all the time. I like that, because it's more like "life" if you would; things CAN be funny in serious times, and serious things CAN happen even to light-hearted people.
Also, I love the semi-romances. Most anime -- especially shoujo anime, which I believe Slayers technically is -- have such cliched "out there" angsty romance, and then Lina and Gourry have such a simply and understated romance going on that it doesn't threaten to choke me with sap. Same with the Amelia / Zel thing, but that one's just weird. >.>