Post by kndgenius on Jul 3, 2005 19:57:52 GMT
I have though of considerable evidence too.Now lets refer to the star war comparison,all of want happen in Fathers phenomenal history is the perspective of The Empire strikes back and revenge of the sith.When number two was battling father in operation:C.A.K.E.D.-F.O.U.R.were the Jedi(I can't remember his name) comparing that he turn evil to protect his wife were in this case to protect his sibling(numbuh two,tommy,etc.) in my proposition.Soon the Jedi was on fire because he was fighting with his master in the volcanic area,but father didn't end that way obviously because he couldn't have survive,well he could how ever he received his fire power,but there is a 50%(1/2)chance of surriving...oo I have to go but I'm sill not finish exampling..
Post by kndgenius on Jul 4, 2005 0:31:08 GMT
OK I'm back I had to go to"old country Buffet".So any way as to my theory,there is a 50%(1/2) chance of surviving,and how he received it must of had a side-effect(for example:shape-shifting in operation:T.R.A.N.I.N.G. and 1/186,OOOm.p.s. as similar to the "quantum theory" traveling at the speed of light in operation:G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S. ;D)considerable to Jedi power only for good and is more efficient than father's.And by the FAQ someone asked if the delightfuls are all relatives,Mr.Warburton said yes.Well obviously,father 99.9% CANNOT HAVE THOSE CHILDREN his a male and are Chromosome pair are x and y while females are both x he would need to have a wife in order to compute,were we see no father in numbuh two's family,but women's can have children even if there single.It's true!Now Lenny how ever must have had(I'm not try to be racist)a Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis,or the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)had the chemical record(and always does)of his inherited characteristics(hair color eye color etc.)but it was determined by the genes because siblings can be alike or contrast,in this case contrast,or also when father put the D.C. in to the delightfulazation chamber it must of had a side-effect to there Integumentary system(hair,nails and SKIN),therefore probably making there genes to a 100% or 25% evil percentage.And remember he had con-trap the "spank issue" because he was tried from a hard day at work and a kid was forcing him to play horsey,but all that has been said in A.C.H.I.V.E. is not necessarily true as theorygirl said and I agree.And thus if father is numbuh two's actually dad his mom(numbuh two's)knows but doesn't want to tell hoagie and tommy,thus as if it were as comparing that information to that other Jedi(I can't remember his name either,his from the empire strikes back.) trying to resist that Darth Vader told him he was his father,or hoagie and tommy must know that he is,but they sill are fighting even though he is there father,As to (I think I remember his name now from The empire strikes back)Luke.. yeah,Luke sill fighting his father:Darth Vader.And yes Homo Sapiens can chance there personality.So,in conclusion I agree in the "numbuh two's dad is father"Theory some what proving with logic and common sense by kndgenius *Thank you,Thank you your too kind* ;D
Post by Shwoo on Jul 4, 2005 1:18:53 GMT
Um, can you repeat that? It was a bit hard to understand, all mashed up like that. Your grammar was not good either. Besides, when did Mr Warburton say that the Delightful Children were related? Last I heard, it was still "nooooobody knooooows!"
Theorygirl, I think your first possiblity is more plausible. Numbuh Two hero worships his dad, doesn't he?
Post by tropicalkittiez on Jul 4, 2005 1:31:02 GMT
Um, can you repeat that? It was a bit hard to understand, all mashed up like that. Yeah, same here... Maybe I didn't get enough sleep last night but I barely understood 5 words of that. Also, I doubt that Mr. Warburton got into that much science towards the characters... It's a cartoon, there is supposed to be things out of place once in a while. But it's nice to see that you're using your head.
Post by hoagiegal1970 on Jul 4, 2005 12:45:39 GMT
Is there a real Mr. Gilligan somewhere and Father kidnapped him or something... I think that third theory is the most plausible, but I just loves the idea of Father shapeshifting to get some nookie! Oooooohhhh baby! ;D Reminds me of the King Arthur legend...his dad, Uther Pendragon, disguised himself by shapeshifting (with help from Merlin) into his mom Igraine's then-husband, the father of Morgan le Fay...so Igraine thought she was getting it on with her hubby. Then Arthur was conceived. Whoohoo! ;D Father coulda done the same thing...that would explain Hoagie's thing for the ladies. ;D Twisted. Very twisted. XD
Post by kndgenius on Jul 4, 2005 15:44:27 GMT
.... Um, can you repeat that? It was a bit hard to understand, all mashed up like that. Your grammar was not good either. Besides, when did Mr Warburton say that the Delightful Children were related? Last I heard, it was still "nooooobody knooooows!" Theorygirl, I think your first possiblity is more plausible. Numbuh Two hero worships his dad, doesn't he? How was it hard two understand? ???I read it twice and I think I did I petty excellent job,and he did say that the delightful children are all related.And no offense but my grammar is more understandable than some of yours.(for example some of you in your message post words that I don't know:lol,btw,and others)I took almost 1.5 hours gather the information about father.So I think mine theory is plausible also .By the way you spelled possiblity,it's:Possibility
Post by Shwoo on Jul 5, 2005 1:20:50 GMT
Hoagiegal: ;D
kndgenius: You seriously think that your grammar is good? You can understand it because you know what you mean. Not everyone has that luxury. Could you explain your theory more concisely, with paragraph breaks? I couldn't tell when you were talking about your theory and when you were talking about Revenge of the Sith.
Lol and btw are acronyms, by the way.
Does Father know Tommy's name at the start of Operation: GRADUATES?
Post by scone on Jul 5, 2005 1:36:37 GMT
And no offense but my grammar is more understandable than some of yours.(for example some of you in your message post words that I don't know:lol,btw,and others) Okay, boys and girls! It's time for an English lesson! Commas are not interchangible with periods. They should, however, be used when a pause in a sentence occurs - for example, in between "no offense" and "but". "More understandable" may be technically correct, but it sounds awkward and shouldn't be used. Spaces are your friends! Use them between sentences, betweens commas, between words! Spaces make the world AWESOME, so don't be afraid to use them! People using words you don't understand has nothing to do with whether their grammar is good or bad. Really, it just reflects poorly on you, that you don't know certain words.
Post by tropicalkittiez on Jul 5, 2005 2:35:53 GMT
kndgenius: ...I'm not saying that they aren't related, but when did Mr. Warburton say that the Delightful Children are related? I looked it up in the KND FAQs and this is what I found: Q: If this question is redundant, please forgive me But are all five of the Delightful Children from Down the Lane blood-related? [Radiohead] A: it's not redundant...it's a good question. wish i knew the answer! but if you're sooooooper patient you'll find out some CRUCAIL info about the DCFDTL in opeartion: zero! www.geocities.com/realclanker/misc/kndqna.txt --Clanker's Mr. W. FAQ list
Post by kndgenius on Jul 5, 2005 20:15:10 GMT
Hoagiegal: ;D kndgenius: You seriously think that your grammar is good? You can understand it because you know what you mean. Not everyone has that luxury. Could you explain your theory more concisely, with paragraph breaks? I couldn't tell when you were talking about your theory and when you were talking about Revenge of the Sith. Lol and btw are acronyms, by the way. Does Father know Tommy's name at the start of Operation: GRADUATES? I never said my grammar is the greatest in the world, when I posted my evidence I was tried and forgot to proofread it.Don't you see that it was posted 7:31 pm, and sorry I though Mr.Warburton said their were related, as I said I was tried until the next morning I modify it and I still understood it, and I believe you mean meant not mean on your second post. Also how I'm so post to know if Btw and lol are acronyms, and technically their abbreviations not acronyms,an acronym is a word made from the first or first few letters of the words in a phrase.
Post by tropicalkittiez on Jul 5, 2005 20:27:45 GMT
lol --- Laugh out loud. brb --- Be right back. They look like acronyms to me.
Post by kndgenius on Jul 5, 2005 20:44:30 GMT
People using words you don't understand has nothing to do with whether their grammar is good or bad. Really, it just reflects poorly on you, that you don't know certain words. AND THANK YOU!! But, I do know my errors.I'm a reporter. And may I add to your "English reference" people should know that they must use pronunciation, as in Vowels,Consonants,nouns,the contrast between their ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS,adjectives,preposition,single and plural.Oh and their SPELLING, also reflects on weather how poorly you do on your spelling, or how lazy you are on correcting your own error.
Post by kndgenius on Jul 5, 2005 21:08:34 GMT
lol --- Laugh out loud. brb --- Be right back. They look like acronyms to me. Well their NOT, must I reform you that ACRONYMS ARE WORD MADE FROM THE FIRST OR FIRST FEW LETTERS OF THE WORD IN A PHRASE. ABBREVIATIONS ARE SHORT WAYS OF WRITING A WORD(S). ACRONYMS:pay close ATTENTION, Example:R.A.D.I.O. is a WORD, stands for: RAdio Detecting And Ranging. NOW ABBREVIATIONS Example:Rd is an ABBREVIATION of: road, Seeeee? lol and btw are not words,so simplistically their ABBREVIATIONS,ABBREVIATIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS!!!OR THEY ARE WHATS CALLED: INTERNET SHORTHAND in simplest form also!!
Post by tropicalkittiez on Jul 5, 2005 22:02:37 GMT
Chill out. It's not that big of a deal.
Post by kndgenius on Jul 6, 2005 1:07:44 GMT
*painting, Chilling out* Your right, sorry I was so mad because ever time I have an idea it's denied every single time!! By as Delightfulologist said: "Just have fun with your ideas." (even tho it doesn't precisely help, but it good to give true advise out.)