Post by acm989 on Dec 18, 2009 20:10:16 GMT
Numbuh 7: Well, it's not our fault we are chained up!
Post by Fernkit on Dec 19, 2009 3:20:14 GMT
88: I know, Alex.*sighs, then teleports to where they are*
Post by ast989 on Dec 19, 2009 18:21:25 GMT
Numbuh 7: *sees 88* Numbuh One, she's over there in case you haven't noticed.
Post by Fernkit on Dec 21, 2009 16:48:06 GMT
88: *is outside prision* Now how do I get in? *sees teenage boy guarding entrance* Ah-ha! Teenage boy: Halt, fair madien. What is one such as yourself doing in these parts? 88: *smiles, tosses brown hair back slightly* Hello, kind sir... *winks, then turns head slightly* Teenage boy:*enthralled* What can I do for you, m'lady?
Post by ast989 on Dec 21, 2009 17:34:43 GMT
Numbuh 7: *to self*Oh My God, did she actually just do that? Oo, Numbuh One is gonna probaly get angry. But at least were gonna get free! *chains oddly loosen, falls to ground* Ow! I think I landed on a cross...
Post by Fernkit on Dec 23, 2009 5:32:04 GMT
88:*acting girlish* Oh, I'm just here to visit*high-pitched giggle* a few friends of mine here*smiles, winks micheviously* Teenage boy: Ah, I see. Now, would you be so kind as to let me escort you to where your "friends" are?*smiles* 88: *is still girlish*Why, I would be delighted to let you!*lets teenage boy escort her in. They stop at Alex and Nigel's cell. She tells the boy to go away polietly. The boy obliges, waving as he goes*
Post by ast989 on Dec 23, 2009 5:37:28 GMT
Numbuh 7 88, help! 8is getting rid of vampire deflecters* Is those idiot guards still here! I want to kick their sorry- *mouth gets covered by Numbuh One*
Post by Fernkit on Dec 23, 2009 5:42:07 GMT
88: Did I do an okay job getting in? Oh, and Alex, just bite his hand. Then continue speaking.
Post by ast989 on Dec 23, 2009 5:45:15 GMT
Numbuh 7: *bites hand hard, enjoys yelp* Never do that again. Next time, I'll include the venom. Anyway, I'm not allowed to say what I was going to...
Post by Fernkit on Dec 23, 2009 5:49:08 GMT
88: And WHY not? What rule says you can't? Hmm, let's see... None!
Post by ast989 on Dec 23, 2009 5:52:45 GMT
Numbuh 7: My mom would kill me if I cussed. Just let it go. Anyway, let's roll. I need to go kick some slave trader butt! Oh, and see how my Indian friends are doing. Cmon 88, Numbuh One. *gets weird rush of weirdness* *turns to Numbuh One and takes sunglasses, puts them on* By the way, I think these look cooler on me. *blinks a few times* What did I just do?
Post by Fernkit on Dec 23, 2009 16:03:11 GMT
88: You took his sunglasses away from him... and technically, you're still supposed to be weak, given the fact that you're still in view of the crosses.
Post by ast989 on Dec 23, 2009 16:12:29 GMT
Numbuh 7: I. I know, but I'm not anymore... wait, what's going on? *eyes turn deep red, teeth turn sharp... VERY sharp* Umm, I think I'm turning into a total... *evilly* VAMPIRE!
Post by Fernkit on Dec 24, 2009 2:12:26 GMT
88: Holy..... Zut Alore!!*teleports Numbuh 1 to safety* Alexandrea Scarlet Thomas, in the name of St. Michael the Archangel, I command you to calm down!
Post by ast989 on Dec 24, 2009 2:14:58 GMT
Numbuh 7: *evil me* Goody-goody isn't in control anymore. White magic me was boring, so I decided to switch it up a bit. Get it? Apparently, I listened to the evil side.