Post by numbuh778kat on May 15, 2005 11:18:33 GMT
Happy Birthday to one of my best mates on here. Happy Birthday 1024.!!!
Post by Numbuh 1024 on May 15, 2005 11:25:56 GMT
Thanks a lot! A whole topic?
Post by numbuh0 on May 15, 2005 11:38:54 GMT
It is pretty special, so of course! Happy B-Day! ^^
Post by beckie on May 15, 2005 11:41:44 GMT
Happy Birthday! ;D
Post by Girl next door on May 15, 2005 11:55:11 GMT
Lock and load!
Post by delightfulologist1 on May 15, 2005 13:19:07 GMT
Happy birthday, 1024!! But I'm not sure it's neccessary to make a B-day thread for everybody's birthday. If you look on the calendar, that's a LOT.
Post by Girl next door on May 15, 2005 14:02:43 GMT
Let's only make B-day threads for those who always come. The ones that disappear in nowhere, we don't need to make B-day threads for 'em.
Post by ben on May 15, 2005 15:55:36 GMT
happy birth day to you,*gives bananna to you*, happy b-day 1024, happy birth day to you!
Post by 362 on May 15, 2005 15:57:41 GMT
Happy b-day! ;D
Post by Numbuh 1024 on May 15, 2005 18:01:43 GMT
Thanks a lot, everyone!
Post by numbuh778kat on May 15, 2005 18:16:39 GMT
Theres still quite alot that come on regular.
So 1024 what did you get for your birthday?
Post by Numbuh 1024 on May 15, 2005 18:34:11 GMT
A computer game, a movie, chocolate and something for my new hobby, DJ PC programmes.
Post by Numbuh 278 on May 15, 2005 18:52:34 GMT
Happy birthday!
Post by numbuh778kat on May 15, 2005 18:58:02 GMT
Nice. So enjoy your say?
Post by Roxeh on May 15, 2005 18:58:44 GMT
Happy Birthday numbuh 1024! ;D